Dr. Eric Frost, Ph.D.
I am generally in the Viz Center, CSL 120, when on campus. I am generally at school every day, but in meetings and working on projects much of the time. Much of this semester I will be working on projects that will be around the university and region, so arranging a time to meet in the Viz Center is likely the most fruitful way to connect with me rather than "dropping by." Best way to reach me is via email.
Much of my time is focused on directing specific research and Homeland Security activities associated with:
- Director, Viz Center (Visualization Center)
- Co-Director, Graduate Program in Homeland Security
- Central Asia Research and Remediation Exchange (retired and folded into the Viz Center in Fall 2013)
- Center Against Trafficking of Commodities and Humans (retired and folded into Viz Center in Fall 2013)
- Fire Information Research and Education Solutions (FIRES) Center, Tenure-Track faculty Director working with Matt Rahn who is actual Managing Director
- Director, Online International Security and Trade Professional Development Program and developing degree programs (Summer 2014). Put on hold as try to work with potential students.